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Pegaso Equestre




 – The Client must carry and/or provide a valid horse passport and, if crossing borders, valid Healthpapers for each horse and transport. Pegaso Equestre reserves the right to refuse transport in the absence of a valid horse passport. Possible fines are for the account of the client.


– The prices weprovide are excluding VAT. Payment of the invoice must be done in advance per bank, or if stated otherwise, within the given term stated on the invoice. If the payment terms will be exceeded, 5% interest will be charged per month.

If the payment will take place in cash, the amount must be given in Euro’s.  


– The loading and unloading of a horse must be done by the client or his representative. Of course we will assist you with this.


– Pegaso Equestre cannot be held liable for any injury, incurred before, during or after the trip, during the stay on the lorry, the loading and/or unloading and the putting in the stables.


– Pegaso Equestre reserves the right to refuse transport on site. For example, if the horse is very difficult to load or has no condition for transport. The costs incurred (travel costs) must be paid in accordance. In case we need to re-plan the trip a fee of 10% of the agreed price will be added to the invoice.

– Agreed times are target times and we cannot be held liable in the event of any delay due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. traffic or weatherconditions)


– In case of bad weather conditions, we reserve the right to cancel or re-plan. You cannot charge any claim and/or costs for this. Safety comes first!


– The horse/pony may under no circumstances be removed from the car/trailer during transport


– As a client, you are at all times responsible and liable for any damage caused by your horses is attached to the vehicle. Damage to/to third parties is also at the expense and risk of the client. Pegaso Equestre and/or its employees cannot be held liable for any damage to humans and/or animals. Damage caused by your horse(s) will be charged to the client.


– Any additional costs that, at the discretion of the Pegaso Equestre, are necessary for the welfare of the horse, such as extra storage or a veterinarian, are at the expense of the client.

– A ride can be cancelled free of charge up to 5 day’s in advance. Within 5 day’s (calculated from the date and time of the pick up)  a cancellation fee of 50% of the agreed price will be charged.


– When booking a ride, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions.

– A booking / order confirmation is binding. Our horsetruck will be reserved for you.

– Transport protection of the horse (e.g. Transport protectors) is the responsibility of the attendant.

– We exclude any liability, insofar as it is not regulated by law.

– During transport, the regulations of the Transport Regulation 1/2005 (TVO) are complied with.

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