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We transport throughout Europe, Norway and Switzerland. We always make a suitable offer for our clients to ensure fast, efficient and qualitative transport.

Transporting your horses to another continent is also possible at Pegaso Stables.

We partner with affiliated agents around the world to ensure correct and transparant handling. The airports we most transport from are Amsterdam Schiphol Airport(NL), Liége Airport (BE), Bruxelles Airport (BE) and Luxembourg Airport (LUX).

Europe and beyond

On our international transports, the horses and driver rest on luxury and reliable overnight stops. We always use the same stops on our routes which we enjoy working with and where both horses and driver can rest properly.

Big stables, lush bedding, hay and the ability for the driver to stay close to the horses during the stops.

Overnight stops

All our transports and vehicles comply with the latest legal requirements in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 of 22 December 2004 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amending Directives 64/432/EEC and 93/119/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255/97.


Our NVWA transport licence (type 2) according to Article 11(1) Regulation 1/2005 applies to :

Animal transports < 65 kilometres (short transports) 
Animal transports < 8 hours (short transports) 
Animal transports > 8 hours (long transports)

Our truck is RDW approved and has the relevant RDW certificate of approval for long journeys in accordance with Article 18 Regulation (EC) No . 1/2005.


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